A Bit of Art : LARA

Yesterday, I thought I would just be having my typical school day with school works and quizzes to prepare for. I was at the middle of writing a paper when a school official(I don't know his name but his familiar) in our school entered the classroom and announced that our section was required by our teacher to attend an event which was about to be held at that time in one of the school's heritage building. And I went there together with my classmates. When we arrived at the venue of the event which was only about twenty meters away, I realized that the event was an art exhibit. There was a log book which was presented to us by a coordinator where we could sign up our names before the event starts. After signing my name I settled into a chair with several other students. Few minutes later, many people arrived and some of them were greeting each other cordially. Teachers, students, there were also two or three alumni from our school and some peop...